Warmest March On Record
The warmest March on record in the US occurred in 1910. This was followed
a few weeks later by Halley’s Comet and the largest forest fire in US
history. C...
Democrats Stand for Ukraine but Sit for America
Photo Credit:Congress in session.
youtube screen shot
Trump’s first month in office has been like a wrecking ball for Democrats,
disastrous for the ent...
Imagine there's no global warming It's all just been a lie CO2 is not a pollutant The Polar Bears aren’t gonna die Imagine all the people Livin' another day Imagine there's no Kyoto It isn't hard to do Gas at 99 cents a gallon And no carbon taxes too Imagine all the people Driving SUVs You may say I'm a denier But I'm not the only one 31,000 scientists Say the world’s climate follows the sun Imagine no politicians I wonder if you can No one to fear monger No need to eliminate man Imagine all the people Drilling all over the world You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be more fun