Also, the fact that no other non-African country has ever
freely elected a black president or more black elected representatives in their
government legislatures is not relevant.
That America has more black millionaires (over 800,000) and black
billionaires (a dozen) than any other country in history does not matter.
So America spends more of its GDP on poor black families
than any other country, and Americans personally donate more to the poor than
any other people on Earth? That this,
the “melting pot” of nationalities, is probably the least racist nation in all
of human history? So what.
We need to hold those responsible for the crime of slavery
responsible. Unfortunately, they are all
dead. But the concept of reparations for
past transgressions is a good one, if only those responsible for those
transgressions are still here to take the blame.
There have been many American people whose ancestors have
suffered under repressive and evil regimes.
My grandparents escaped to America from the horrors of socialism under
Communist-controlled Czechoslovakia long after slavery was abolished.
My grandfather told stories of sleeping on a urine-soaked
mattress in the hold of a cargo ship on its way to Ellis Island, leaving behind
all his family and his livelihood. He
arrived in America with no money or support.
Many others in America share similar stories. Cubans escaping the socialist regime of
Castro’s Cuba. Chinese running to
America to escape the socialism of Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong. Vietnamese leaving everything behind to avoid
the clutches of socialist Ho Chi Minh.
Russians emigrating to America from the nightmare of socialists Vladimir
Lenin and Josef Stalin. Latin Americans
from many countries such as Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico, still
fleeing socialism in caravans by the tens of thousands.
Yes, I’m in favor of reparations for American blacks, to be
paid by those responsible for slavery that are still alive. But only if American socialists pay
reparations to the people whose ancestors and relatives have suffered so
greatly under their favored form of government.
After all, they are still alive and here to take the blame.