Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Stupidity Is Timeless

In my younger years, studying world and American history in school, I used to wonder how people of those past times could have been so stupid.  How could people actually believe that Hitler was a righteous man?  How could they be convinced that Jews were evil, and Nazism was good?  Germans and Japanese at that time must have been crazy.

 Didn’t Americans understand that a civil war between states so close could lead to incredible bloodshed?  How could people who shared the same heritage and culture go at each other’s throats so readily?  It seemed like fantasy to me.  People must have been completely different back then, much more gullible and ignorant.

How could it have been possible for Josef Stalin to starve tens of millions of Ukrainians to death with no resistance?  How could Mao, as leader of the world’s largest population, assassinate a major portion of his own people without opposition?  It seems impossible, almost like fiction.

After 65 years of my existence, I now realize that people have not changed.  The ignorance of man is not a fantasy, it is real and enduring.

It is a different world, yet the same.   We are the same people who killed six million Jews under the Nazis, slaughtered 620,000 Americans in the Civil War, and murdered tens of millions of Ukrainians and Chinese under Communism.

In our modern, so sophisticated Western world, we welcome the conquerors and assassins of an ancient culture into our society, where they can continue conquering and assassinating us with our complete cooperation.

We welcome laws suppressing our freedom to speak, to own property, to operate a small business, and to defend ourselves.  We actively oppose the Constitution that brought us where we are today.
In America, we built a thriving civil society, amazing the world with our wealth, our perseverance, our moral strength, and our positive ideology.  We were the saviors of humanity.

And now, we show that we are truly fallible humans, in the process of destroying it all.  Being in the middle of this history, most of us can’t see it.  Having eliminated slavery and attained social justice, we demand more.  Having achieved racial equality, it is not enough.  Being the wealthiest nation of people in the world does not satisfy us.  We need total global equality and diversity on Earth for every sex, race, and religion, even if that is not rationally possible to achieve. 

The only way for the fantasy to become reality is by force.  We must suppress all expressions of resistance by making laws against speech that are counter to our objectives.  We must prevent private citizens from resisting our edicts with dangerous weapons.  We must eliminate historical references that distract the populace.  We must deconstruct society by confusing sexuality and demonizing religion.

Statues are symbols of white supremacy and Western colonialism and must be destroyed.   History must be corrected.  Books need to be burned.

Nothing has changed.  The new Antifa are the old Nazis and Communists.  It is very possible that they will grow in strength and influence.  There is currently nothing to stop them.  The Dems are on their side.  The media is on their side.  The deep state is on their side.  Merging with Black Lives Matter to increase their power is an obvious strategy.

North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela could conceivably be the bellwethers of the future of the world if America falls to the stupidity of leftist ideology. 

There is no apparent strategy from the Republican party to counter this threat.  President Trump is the only force opposing the takeover of America from the radical left.  And he is being mercilessly assailed from his own party, as well as the leftist opposition.  He could well be impeached if enough Dems are elected to Congress.  And who can predict the actions of ignorant, stupid (and illegal) voting people?

The crux of my diatribe is that the left has strength and a strategy, corrupt as it is.  The right does not.  The left has overwhelming influence in the media, education, and propaganda in the form of “entertainment”.  The right has nothing.  The left is forming a cohesive force that could disrupt the political balance of the nation, leading us into an uncharted territory of potential fascism.  Historically, we see clear evidence that this is not only possible, but inevitable.

The right must become the new resistance, using guerrilla tactics against the left, just as the left uses Alinsky tactics.  The left has acquired the power, if not the numbers.   The right has the law and the Constitution on its side, if not the leftist Obama and Clinton-appointed federal judges.  It is already becoming all-out cyber war, with the social media giants Google and Twitter (among other major players) actively blocking conservative speech.   Paypal is in the process of dropping conservative sites.  The current meme is: Conservative speech = hate speech, and must be banned.

In the new civil war, no one needs to die for their cause.  Violence is the left’s purview.  The right just needs to defeat and delegitimize the irrational ideas of the left, as well as their violent tactics.  As in the past, leftists will retreat and become pacifistic, lying in wait for their next opportunity.  But, it will not be as easy as it sounds.  A lot of social and emotional upheaval will be required for this to happen.  And we must understand that the incredibly misguided ideology of the left will never die as long as humans are involved.

Even some of the most intelligent humans on Earth are still incredibly ignorant when it comes to politics vs. reality and how to maintain our survival as a species.  We perceive things and events not as they are, but how we would like them to be in our warped little world view.  Humans lack perspective.  Otherwise we would see how petty and vile we truly are in the scheme of infinite time and space.

 May God have mercy on our poor, wrenched souls.  For those of us who try to see the perspective clearly, that’s why good beers and gin & tonics were invented.

Andrew Thomas
As published in American Thinker (unedited)

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