Do you remember the video that was played
at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, “Government is the Only Thing We
All Belong To”? The title of that video
is the crux of the beliefs of the left, not just in the US, but
everywhere. In contemporary America,
Democrats have become congruent with the left, and the belief that the
government owns us is a pervasive sentiment.
Why is this? Democrats,
as a political party, have literally denounced religion, particularly
Christianity. At that same Convention in
2012, the delegates filled the arena with loud booing during the attempt to
reinstate the word “God” into the Democrat platform.
Persecution of Christians was practically Obama administration
policy, including lawsuits of Christians refusing to subordinate their beliefs
to government mandates. Even the Little
Sisters of the Poor were made to suffer for refusing to be a party to
forced distribution of contraceptives .
In her book, “Godless:
The Church of Liberalism”, Ann Coulter writes:
Liberalism is a comprehensive belief system denying the
Christian belief in man’s immortal soul.
Their religion holds that there is nothing sacred about human consciousness. It’s just an accident no more significant
than our possession of opposable thumbs.
They deny what we know about ourselves: that we are moral beings in
God’s image.
In the absence of belief in a higher power, government
naturally becomes the almighty deity. Without God, humans are soulless creatures no
better than wild animals, and it stands to reason that they should not be
trusted with personal freedoms. We must
therefore belong to the government.
Then along came Donald Trump. He does not believe in big government. He dislikes politicians, regulations, and
bureaucracy. The people he has hired in
his administration have similar beliefs.
The Republicans, who hold majorities in both houses of Congress, also believe
in smaller government (for the most part).
Imagine, if you will, that your religion has been usurped by
priests or ministers that do not share your beliefs. Imagine that Satan has been elected
Pope. (No, I’m not comparing Pope
Francis to Satan. But there are a lot of
things happening at the Vatican lately).
This is the gut-wrenching horror that the left is currently
experiencing. Their god is slowly dying,
trampled on by heretics and blasphemers.
President Trump is not your typical politician. His penchant for prolific Tweeting is
decidedly not presidential, at least to the true believers in government. Trump is a heretic in the Church of
State. He does not take his role as
secular Pope of the nation with the proper solemnity.
Trump says that he is “modern
day presidential”. As such, the
modern day president has set up his own rules.
If these new rules failed him, it would be painfully obvious to him and
his administration. But they haven’t, at
least not to this point.
His Tweets have
successfully driven his sworn enemies, the left and the leftist media,
absolutely crazy to the point of making them lose focus on their mission to
“resist” and sabotage his agenda.
Instead they have become obsessed with his impropriety as the leader of
their government religion. As a
consequence, he deserves secular excommunication, aka impeachment.
Trump’s strategy is winning.
He needs to continue to use social media to isolate and completely cut
the leftist media out of the loop.
The American left has shown itself to be dangerously
unstable. For them, politics is not a
trivial pursuit, it is a deadly serious bloodsport, and they play to win. On the other side, Trump is playing political
“rope-a-dope”. Like Muhammad Ali
bouncing against the ropes to dodge George Forman’s powerful roundhouse blows in
the “Rumble in the Jungle”, he is fending off the relentless attacks of the
left with stealth and cleverness.
American politics can be distilled down to whether or not
you believe in a higher power than government.
hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they
are endowed by
their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit
of Happiness….” Thus wrote Thomas
Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence.
Are human rights endowed by our Creator, or bestowed by
government? That is the basic question
and conflict in America. In order to
resurrect their government god, the Dems must destroy our Creator. But first, they must destroy our President.
Andrew Thomas
as published in American Thinker