Gases from Asthma Inhalers Cause Negligible Warming
Therefore, curbing the emissions of HFCs from inhalers is unnecessary and
would have minimal effect on the climate. Given this conclusion, the
selection of...
Nonbinary Kook Won’t Show for City Council Job
If you are too crazy to know whether you are a man or a woman, you are too
crazy to rule over others. Yet Worchester, MA elected Thu Nguyen to the
city c...
What Jack Smith Left Out
Photo Credit:Jack Smith speaking
screenshot msnbc youtube
Intended to charge Trump, the report provides evidence of Smith’s
incompetence and bias.
He Had ‘Foreknowledge of 9/11’. Now He's Free
“I am studying airplanes!” Abd al Salam al Hilah told Osama bin Laden’s top
Italian operative in the summer of 2000. “We are focusing on the air alone…
Imagine there's no global warming It's all just been a lie CO2 is not a pollutant The Polar Bears aren’t gonna die Imagine all the people Livin' another day Imagine there's no Kyoto It isn't hard to do Gas at 99 cents a gallon And no carbon taxes too Imagine all the people Driving SUVs You may say I'm a denier But I'm not the only one 31,000 scientists Say the world’s climate follows the sun Imagine no politicians I wonder if you can No one to fear monger No need to eliminate man Imagine all the people Drilling all over the world You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be more fun
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