My wife and I attended both the 9-12 March on Washington in 2009 and this past weekend’s 8-28 rally. From my subjective analysis, I believe it can be shown that the attendance at the Glenn Beck rally was roughly equivalent to the 9-12 march, which was estimated to be approximately 1.5 million people. It is possible that the 8-28 rally had the potential to be even bigger.
All DC hotels were sold out during both of these events. On neither of these dates were there any other large events taking place which would have significantly competed for hotel space (other than Al Sharpton’s gathering of 3,000 people on 8-28, who I am assuming were mostly locals).
Parking in DC is very limited, and many of the roads in the city were closed off for these events. Therefore, car and bus access was maxed out. Most of the attendees were transported by car or bus to Metro stations outside of the city. At these stations, access is limited to the maximum possible occupancy of each railcar. Thousands of people stood for hours in interminably long lines trying to buy Metro tickets.
Once finally inside the Metrorail, people filled every square inch of space in each car. With human flesh packed so tightly together, it was a good thing we were all there to “restore honor”.
Unfortunately for all of the people who had waited in line for hours at the subsequent stations, there was no room in any of the passing trains. I observed one brief struggle break out during the trip. As the doors opened at one of the stops, a man was violently pushed into our car by the crowd of frustrated commuters behind him trying to get in. Since there was nowhere to go, he shouted in pain as he was crushed between two solid walls of humanity.
As you can see, much of the Mall was standing room only.
Andrew Thomas aka Angel
As published in American Thinker
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